NEAR NEAR Protocol price is $5.67

NEAR NEAR NEAR Protocol price in USD and Top 100 Top 100 comparison

NEAR Protocol price dropped by -18.64% in the last 24h, while Top 100 increased by +6.14%. Overall, NEAR coin was weaker than Top 100 by -22.11%.

The blue line represents the parity between NEAR Protocol and Top 100. If the blue line goes up, it means that the NEAR coin price grows faster than the Top 100 coin price. If it goes down, it means that the price of NEAR Protocol is dropping faster than the price of Top 100. The two bar charts under the main chart. that shows the growth or decline of a cryptocurrency shows how much NEAR and Top 100 have grew or declined each day (or hour).

NEAR NEAR Protocol worse day for the selected time frame was on when it declined by ; on the same day, Top 100 . The best day for NEAR Protocol was on , when the price of NEAR increased by and the price of Top 100 .

NEAR Protocol live price and 24h trend

$5.67 +0.80%
Updated 59 minutes ago

NEAR to USD price converter

How much is 1 NEAR in USD?

1 NEAR is now $5.67 USD, up by 0.045 (+0.80%) since yesterday.

NEAR Market Cap Rank to Top Rank

Based on the current circulating supply, the NEAR price must be $1,211.89 (+21258.73%) for the market cap to be ranked #1 or $355.37 (+6163.15%) to be ranked #2
# Price Price Increase
1 $1,211.89 +21258.73%
2 $355.37 +6163.15%
3 $76.76 +1252.91%
4 $76.58 +1249.72%
5 $30.86 +443.83%
6 $30.57 +438.74%
7 $17.61 +210.33%
8 $13.53 +138.51%
9 $10.82 +90.70%
10 $10.19 +79.54%

NEAR Protocol All Time High (ATH)

All-time high $20.60 (-72.45%)
Jan 14, 2022 (2 years ago)
All-time low $0.5246 (+981.59%)
Nov 4, 2020 (3 years ago)

NEAR Price Growth

NEAR Top 100

NEAR Price History

United States Dollar
Top 100 Top 100
Top 100
1h 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00%
24h 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00%
7d 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00%
1m 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00%
3m 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00%
6m 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00%
1y 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00%
0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00%

If you would have invested $1,000 in NEAR or Top 100, you would now have:

  • Date NEAR Top 100
  • yesterday $1,048.60 +4.86% $1,030.31 +3.03%
  • 7 days ago $893.97 -10.60% $1,010.88 +1.09%
  • 14 days ago $1,100.89 +10.09% $1,160.43 +16.04%
  • 1 month ago $1,104.75 +10.48% $1,100.29 +10.03%
  • 3 months ago $786.09 -21.39% $1,062.49 +6.25%
  • 6 months ago $1,935.86 +93.59% $1,571.90 +57.19%
  • 1 year ago $4,138.58 +313.86% $2,213.99 +121.40%
  • 2024 $1,569.57 +56.96% $1,563.53 +56.35%
  • 2023 $4,539.20 +353.92% $3,957.53 +295.75%
  • 2022 $388.05 -61.20% $733.75 -26.62%
  • 2021 $4,201.10 +320.11% $912.10 -8.79%
  • Oct 14, 2020 $4,364.62 +336.46% $1,170.54 +17.05%

The best time to invest in NEAR Protocol would have been 2023.


NEAR price to Top 10 crypto coins

1BTC = 11,959.34 NEAR
1 NEAR = 0.00008362 BTC

1ETH = 572.85 NEAR
1 NEAR = 0.001746 ETH

1BNB = 102.16 NEAR
1 NEAR = 0.009788 BNB

1SOL = 32.26 NEAR
1 NEAR = 0.031 SOL

1XRP = 0.1051 NEAR
1 NEAR = 9.51 XRP

1DOGE = 0.02366 NEAR
1 NEAR = 42.27 DOGE

1ADA = 0.0733 NEAR
1 NEAR = 13.64 ADA

1TRX = 0.02419 NEAR
1 NEAR = 41.33 TRX

1AVAX = 5.05 NEAR
1 NEAR = 0.1981 AVAX

1SHIB = 0.000003019 NEAR
1 NEAR = 331,231.76 SHIB

1Top 100 = 134.11 NEAR
1 NEAR = 0.007457 Top 100
Top 100

1USD = 0.1762 NEAR
1 NEAR = 5.67 USD

NEAR and Top 100 Daily Market volatility

NEAR 4.12 Top 100 1.92

The daily market volatility of cryptocurrency reflects the extent to which the price of the cryptocurrency fluctuates over the course of a single day in relation to its overall value.

The average volatility of the NEAR Protocol market in the last month is . Maximum volatility was on of and the minimum volatility was on of . Meanwhile, the average volatility for the Top 100 is , making coin more stable. Maximum volatility was on of and the minimum volatility was on of .


Indicators for NEAR

Simple Moving Average

Parabolic SAR

Normalized Average True Range

On-Balance Volume

Commodity Channel Index


Ichimoku Kinko Hyo

Double Exponential Moving Average

Aroon oscillator

Linear Regression Angle

Chande Momentum Oscillator

Price Envelopes
