Crypto Compare Calculator: Compare Crypto Coins

Compare Cryptocurrencies

Crypto compare selection

Compare Calculator

Crypto performance (%)

The best performing selected coin is , by , while the worst performing coin is , by .

The chart shows how the selected crypto coins compare price performance. It starts at 0% to quickly see how much their price increases or decreases.

Parity Performance (%)

The following chart shows how has the highest growth, and performs the worst.

The parity between two coins is essential when choosing between multiple crypto coins to see which currency performs the best. The formula to calculate the parity of coins is dividing the price of each coin between each other.

Trading Volume ($)

Cryptocurrency volatility

is the most stable cryptocurrency, with a volatility score of . has a score of , making it the most unstable crypto coin out of the selected currencies.

Crypto coins correlation

This coefficient may range from -1 to 1, where -1 is the strongest negative correlation, 0 is no correlation at all and 1 is the strongest positive correlation.

Correlation: Positively correlated variables tend to move together, negatively correlated variables move inversely to each other, and uncorrelated variables move independently of each other.

The Pearson Correlation Coefficient quantifies the estimated strength of the linear association between two variables. It ranges from +1 to -1: +1 indicates a perfect positive linear correlation, -1 a perfect negative linear correlation, 0 indicates no linear correlation. The chart in the background represents the change in the correlation over time (rolling correlation with a rolling window width of 20 data points).

The Confidence Interval represents the interval in which the true Pearson correlation coefficient will be located with 95% probability. If the confidence interval includes the value of zero (it crosses the dashed line), the correlation can be regarded as non-significant (not different from 0).

Compare Cryptocurrencies Performances and Correlation

Top Crypto Coin Price implemented a valuable and easy tool to compare crypto assets. With our Crypto Compare Calculator tool, you can compare the performance of different cryptos and the degree of correlation among crypto assets.

Let’s see in detail what the Crypto Compare Calculator offers.

Choose crypto assets and dates

The first section offers a comparative tool, the crypto compare selection.

This first step allows users to choose the crypto assets they want to compare: all you need to do is select crypto assets from the drop-down list. You can select two or more assets to compare.

Then, you can choose dates – that is, you can choose a specific timeframe for which you want to compare your crypto assets.

To finalize this step – consider that the following sections will depend on this selection – click on "compare".

Compare performance, volume, and volatility

According to the choice you made in the first section, you will find different crypto assets:

  • Under "coins", you’ll find the cryptocurrencies you chose;
  • Under "performance", you’ll find the percentage of increase or decrease in price for each cryptocurrency;
  • Under "volume", you’ll find the current sum of trades for that asset;
  • Under "volatility", you’ll find the degree of volatility experienced by that crypto asset.

Discover what’s the top-performing crypto among the assets you chose

The Crypto Performance section will show you the best performing crypto and the worst performing one – always according to your choice in the first section of the tool.

The first part of the section will tell you what’s the crypto that grew more and the one that experienced a significant price drop.

Then, a chart will show you how the crypto assets you chose performed for the selected period, using different colors to compare the different assets better and visualize them. The growth or decrease will be expressed as a percentage.

Parity Performance: compare assets to each other

This tool is handy to evaluate how each crypto asset performs compared to each of the digital currencies you chose to make your comparison.

This section considers the parity of cryptos, calculated by dividing the price of each coin between each other. Let’s give a practical example: if you choose to compare, let’s say, Bitcoin (BTC), Ether (ETH), Solana (SOL), and Cardano (ADA), the price of BTC will be divided by the price of ETH, SOL, and ADA; the price of ETH will be divided by the price of SOL, ADA and so on.

Each result is expressed as a percentage. But why do you need this tool? The parity performance allows you to discover which pair is performing better and the worst one among the currencies you chose.

Also, here you will find two sections:

  • A little recap that tells you the best and worst performers;
  • A comparison chart to visualize what currencies are doing.

Compare the crypto trading volume

As part of the Crypto Compare Calculator, the Trading Volume is another helpful tool to compare cryptocurrencies.

First off, let’s define trading volume: this indicator records sales and purchases for each crypto.

That’s why it is vital to compare crypto trading volume – and it’s worth noting that data on Top Crypto Coin Price is constantly updated.

The Crypto Compare Calculator will show you the comparison with a pie chart to make it easier to see the most traded crypto among the ones you selected.

Compare the level of volatility of your crypto assets

Let’s start with a definition: in straightforward terms, volatility measures an asset price change during a given time

Volatility is a fundamental topic when it comes to the crypto market. These assets are well known for being among the most volatile assets available – and that’s why Top Crypto Coin Price dedicated an entire page to volatility and gave access to its Volatility Index to allow you to dive deeper into the topic.

But let’s get back to our Crypto Compare Calculator: thanks to the recap offered by the platform and the pie chart, you’ll be able to establish in a few seconds which is the most volatile and the most stable cryptocurrency – always according to your selection.

Crypto Coins Correlation: is there any correlation among the crypto assets you chose?

The crypto correlation is measured thanks to the Pearson correlation coefficient, ranging from -1 to +1. +1 indicates a perfect correlation between two assets – that is, they tend to behave in the same way; -1 indicates a negative correlation – the two assets tend to move inversely to each other. If the coefficient is 0, there is no correlation.

This section will show you the correlation coefficient, taking into account the crypto assets you chose to compare.

This tool can have many use cases, and it can help you to diversify your strategy:

  • There is a crypto that is behaving exactly how you want, so you may use the correlation to see if there is another crypto that behaves like the first one – maybe because it costs less or because you want to diversify your portfolio;
  • The crypto price didn’t go up as you expected: is there any crypto that negatively correlates with the first one? You can use the correlation coefficient also in this case.

These were just a few possible scenarios, but you can choose to use all these tools according to your strategies.

The Crypto Compare Calculator is a valuable mix of tools that allows all crypto traders and investors to evaluate their strategies and compare crypto assets.
